I decided after last night it was not simply time to have some one change my password for me so that I could no longer "log in" to Facebook but to all together "deactivate" my account...god it sounds like it's a freaking bomb. Well, I guess it would be fair for me to say Facebook was a bomb. There are many, many reasons as to why I got rid of my facebook account but none of it really matters if it no longer exists (except in memory of course). What is known, is dealt with and there. I am a strong believer (in this case) in the saying "What you don't know won't hurt you".
Those of you who want to reach me know how to. I am looking forward to blogging more, writing more...not simply "updating my status" in 2 sentences or less. People have told me that even without facebook I will find things to help me procrastinate. This I know is true. I will procrastinate by cuddling and loving my nephews as much as possible (can you even call that procrastination?). I will read more, write, and enjoy these things to the fullest. The one thing that will also begin to consume my time is my newest project which I have only shared with one very special person, my Sari love. I don't need to mention my love for Eliot's Four Quartets, but there are specific lines there that really, really spoke to me and remain in my mind as if they are permanently engraved there. I will begin some sketches this week of images to accompany these lines. Those sketches will then be placed on a grid and made into a much larger painting. I am still debating whether I want to make one large collage or individual canvases.
This idea was originally meant to be a gift for someone I considered one of the most important people in my life, but now they will remain as a remembrance to me.
"With the drawing of this love and the voice of this calling"
I love all of you dearly who have helped me endure the last few weeks...months. You will never know how grateful I am and how much you really all have inspired me.
Always, Lisa