Monday, November 1, 2010 utilities

Well, as some of you may know...I have have been seriously considering deleting facebook. I know, right?! I am laughing so hard because when I say this people freeze before they respond. What on Earth we would all do without facebook?! I am thinking more what can I do without it! I love facebook because it is a wonderful procrastination tool (or could be come January). BUT facebook is the, as I like to say, "tell all source" and causes me to be exposed to things I would really rather not see. Facebook has actually been the RUIN of the last few thanks facebook for exposing so many secrets....or TRUTHS!

But still can I really just get rid of it as easy as that? Well, probably not, haha! So, anyways...some way somehow facebook and I are parting ways this week...that secret password will soon be changed by a great friend of mine so I cannot be tempted to log on.

Hello life.


  1. so i must say, i deleted facebook for months, and i rejoined because i felt detatched from people i "once knew." turns out i still know them. I support your decision to delete and i understand reasons why, even though there is probably more behind it. I know the procrastination factor is great, but I found many more ways to do that when I deleted it. I have thought about the same thing since the day i reopened my account. perhaps it is not only our names and our stature that we have in common.

    here's a post I did on my new blog that, like yours, was inspired by one of the most influential people in my life Dr. Sexson:

    "We are in the presence of the MY-generation. And I must say I am on the starting end of this selfish and in other ways selfless era. I find that more gets said out of less words. Silence is powerful, but it is our duty as humans, or more like we have taken it upon ourselves as humans, to speak up when the feeling comes over us.

    Twitter leaves 140 characters for anyone to spread knowledge as well as destruction. The tweets of others help to inspire our own tweets."

    in all honesty facebook is comforting to people. it connects us even when we don't think it is. I don't think it is right, i think social networking is a monkey on peoples backs. we have an obligation to respond to current friends, and accept 'friends' we truly don't know. perhaps a one on one is necessary for the individuals dreaming up their relationships online. and perhaps it starts with people like us, the ones that recognize the destruction and the positive side of this technology.

  2. Lisa, perhaps it does start with people such as ourselves! Hooray for realizing Facebook, Twitter, etc. are a sort of outlet, inspiration, etc. but even I succumb to the negative that facebook technology bring about. I at least need to go on a hiatus from facebook to prevent any further hard feelings. And yes, it is about so much more than procrastination. I am so thankful Dr. Sexson has been an inspiration to us and showed us a way in which technology can be beneficial. I am sure one day, perhaps after the new year, facebook and I will reconnect. We are bidding our farewells and enjoying the company of each other until that moment comes.
