I guess i truly realized this week that in fact the earth really must be round. Why? Well, to start i am constantly running in circles, tilted to the side- making a great attempt at balancing. I tried buying new shoes...I think it helped. At the moment i am sitting in this eerily quiet, seemingly dead library but i can't help but smile. We all have our up days and down days. No matter what the day, rain or shine though we must put on our best, most fashionable pair of shoes (i prefer boots) and keep running. A fabulously upbeat playlist helps. I just have to remind myself to not run too far ahead or I might fall off the edge!
"Today i had a conversation with my true self. She asked me why I had abandoned her, why I had ignored all her constant advice. And then she reminded me of all the things I had forgotten. And never once did she say 'I told you so'"
Tonight...writing and wine
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