First, I have to thank Wells for inspiring me to use this as my title...We read "Where the Wild Things are" nearly every day! He loves it!
"And the walls became the world all around". I had read that line numerous times until I really thought about it aside from the book. Every day these invisible walls are created as a sort of barrier to protect us from whatever it is we don't want to deal with. We put up a wall not only within ourselves to avoid knowing or facing what we must but between us and others. Eventually, we find ourselves unable or not wanting to be kept inside those walls though, just like Max. Sadly some of us will not always have what we have been avoiding waiting there for us on the other side of these imaginary walls whether we are sailing through days, weeks or years.
I just think that this idea is interesting. Sometimes as I sit here throwing random blog posts together, I wonder...hmmm- should I really post this? Well, why not- it must get SOMEONE thinking about something! I know this thought is so random, but honestly let's all take a step back from this adorable book about a little monster child learning his lesson and apply it to an adult's life...first, mothers: don't yell at your children or send them to bed without supper because they just MIGHT run away...or pretend to. Second, we should create walls like the world all around but only if it is obscenely imaginative (humor me) and not causing us to "run away" form our troubles like silly little Max does because you know what? It leads to a big WiLd RuMpUs and longing...
So..."Oh please don't go..." I LOVE YOU SO!
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