Monday, October 25, 2010

Keepin' this girl a blogging

I have wanted to start a personal blog (inspiration from a past professor) and finally decided to take the time to do so. As I write this, or rather type this, thanks to modern day technology, I am debating where to begin because there are so many things I want to blog about. Since completing school at MSU I have realized that without blogs, classes and that educational social life we all have and often times dread, I am in a completely different world. So many things provoke me to explore further and do things I never would think of, but I realize with the way that my daily schedule has been going my thoughts all blend together, never get out which leads to nonsense ramble even I cannot follow. With that being said, I thought a blog would be the perfect way to release all the thoughts in my head and share them with my friends, family and others I am both near and far from. With that being said, my hope is that perhaps something will somehow connect, remind, and provoke you to think about something that you may not have otherwise come across. I also have to thank Christie for the summer conversation at the bar in Plonk…much in depth conversation led to this.

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