Monday, November 15, 2010

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how people hold on to things whether it be people, an object, a thought...anything really. It's interesting because holding onto things is so much easier than letting go it seems, as if we are going to lose something great if we do let go. But then I started thinking about all the things I am losing by NOT letting go of certain things, people, memories. Both of these decisions raises many more questions within themselves and are not easy to do. What if? The most prominent question in my mind and I think it is fair to say that I ask myself this every day concerning both matters small and large.

As of late, I find myself doing things that I know will only make things more difficult, as if I am intentionally causing myself pain
and I really don't understand it. Then again, there is a lot I don't understand and more than likely never will. It's like reality is continuously kicking my ass into gear telling me to get with the program.

Well, I am happy to say that reality is also forcing me out of this glass bubble I like to refer to as...Bozeman. As much as I love Montana, especially Bozeman- it is soon going to be time to let go. For the first time in a long time I have no commitments, nothing. Really. How often does this honestly happen? It is quite invigorating- liberating and at the same time scarier than hell! This glass bubble is continuously rolling around this town crashing into the things that hurt me is bound to smash into pieces at some point right? I laugh at myself because everyone reminds me how small Bozeman is and I never understood until recently.

If you can't have it, you may as well run from it...that's my theory today. But it's really not that simple- no matter how far I run, it follows- it is daunting. These memories haunt my dreams every night. But the waking is never a relief.

‎"I wish you bluebirds in the spring to give your heart a song to sing, and then a kiss but more than that, I wish you love. And in July...I wish you love. So with my best my very best I set you free."

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